
Proksi can be configured to use a cache to improve the performance of your proxy server.

Cache configuration

The cache configuration is defined in the routes section of the Proksi configuration file.

Each route can have a cache section that specifies the cache configuration for that route.

The cache configuration includes the following options:

  • enabled: Whether the cache is enabled for the route. Defaults to false.

  • cache_type: Which cache backend to use. Defaults to memcache. Other options are disk.

  • expires_in_secs: The number of seconds the cache should be valid for. Defaults to 360.

  • stale_if_error_secs: The number of seconds the cache should be valid for if an error occurs. Defaults to 60.

  • stale_while_revalidate_secs: The number of seconds the cache should be valid for if the response is revalidated. Defaults to 60.

  • path: The path to the cache directory. Defaults to /tmp.

Here's an example of a route with a cache configuration:

# proksi.hcl file
routes = [
    host = "",
    cache {
      enabled = true
      cache_type = "memcache"
      expires_in_secs = 360
      stale_if_error_secs = 60
      stale_while_revalidate_secs = 60
      path = "/tmp

    upstreams = [{
      ip =  "" 
      port =  "3000,

Cache usage

When a request is made to a route with a cache configuration, Proksi will check if the response is already in the cache. If it is, the response will be served from the cache instead of making a new request to the upstream server.

If the response is not in the cache, Proksi will make a new request to the upstream server and cache the response. The cache will be updated with the new response if the response is valid for the configured expiration time.

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