Proksi can be configured using environment variables and they will have higher priority over the config file.

They are mapped to the configuration file keys, always start with PROKSI_ and can be used to override the default values. For nested keys, use the __ character.


For the key service_name, the environment variable PROKSI_SERVICE_NAME can used For the key worker_threads, the environment variable PROKSI_WORKER_THREADS can be used For the key logging.level, the environment variable PROKSI_LOGGING__LEVEL can be used (note the __ separator due to the nested key)

For keys that accept a list of values, e.g. routes, the environment variable PROKSI_ROUTES can be used with a string value like this:

export PROKSI_ROUTES='[{host="example.com", upstreams=[{ip="", port=3001}]'

Full list

Below you can find a full list of the configuration keys and their corresponding environment variables.

Last updated