Configuration based on the Hashicorp Configuration Language


Proksi can be configured using HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). This is the recommended way to configure Proksi, as it is more human-readable and easier to work with than JSON or YAML as well as it offers functions that you can use throughout your configuration:

touch proksi.hcl
worker_threads = env("WORKER_THREADS")

lets_encrypt {
  enabled = true
  email = env("LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL")
  staging = true

paths {
  lets_encrypt = env("LETS_ENCRYPT_PATH")

// You can split your websites into separate files
routes = [

// Or you can define them here
routes = [
    host = "cdn.example.com"
    ssl_certificate = {
      // Useful for development
      self_signed_on_failure = true
    upstreams = [{
      ip = "example.com"
      port = 443

      headers = {
        add = [
          { name = "Host", value = "example.com" },
          { name = "X-Proxy-For", value = "cdn.example.com" }

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