Getting started

For a quick introduction, check the ASCII recording of a small configuration file for Proksi:

Proksi is a simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use proxy server that automatically handles SSL, HTTP, and DNS traffic. It is designed to be used as a standalone proxy server or as a component in a larger system. Proksi is written in Rust and uses Cloudflare Pingora as its core networking library.


Of the many features Proksi offers is the ability to load balance to your infrastructure or any IP that supports your host configurations. Other features of Proksi also include:

  1. Automatic Docker and Docker Swarm service discovery through labels

  2. Built-in most common middlewares such as OAuth, Rate Limiting, Caching and others

  3. The ability of running it as a single binary in your system

  4. Automatic SSL through Let's Encrypt and redirection from HTTP to HTTPS

  5. Many others.

Next Steps

Let's check how to use Proksi and the configuration options.

Last updated